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Active single ladies — 12595
Ladies online — 158
From Russia — 2019
From Ukraine — 7956
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You can surprise your favourite lady by sending her flowers or gifts, flower and food baskets. You do not have to go anywhere - do it right from this site! To make an order, click the link “Send gift or flowers” (it appears on most women's profiles next to the link “Send message”).  Please note that this option is not available for all ladies.  This is because we deliver using our own network of delivery agents, and they are not available in every city.

When your gift or boquete is delivered you automatically receive a picture of the lady with that gift, at no additional cost.  Of course, we can take a picture only with the recepient's permission, but it is very rare that they refuse.

A few technical notes:

You have to be logged in to enable the option to send gifts/flowers

The choice of possible gifts and prices for them depends on the local provider. 

If you want to order a gift or a bouquet but find out that all of them are displayed as disabled, that means your balance in credits is too low to pay for that. Once you add more credits to the account, the items will be automatically enabled..

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