My name is Medea, and I am Georgian, although I am not from the mountains, but from a noisy and cozy city, where the air is always filled with the aroma of coffee, wine and khachapuri. The Georgian blood in me makes me a little temperamental, but don't worry, it's only in a good way: I love to please my loved ones, I love noisy feasts and I can cook so well that my diet will definitely be at risk. 😉
But my greatest pride is my son. He is 5 years old, and he is a little volcano of energy and imagination. Together we build towers from construction sets, watch cartoons and arrange real adventures even in the yard. He taught me to look at the world more broadly and see joy in small things.
When I registered here, to be honest, I was a little confused. There are so many beautiful and bright women around that it feels like a beauty contest. 🙃 I immediately thought: "If it's so hard for them to find their person, then what about me with my love for simplicity, sincerity and Caucasian character?"
So here's a question for you: are you looking for someone "perfect" or someone with whom you can share real life - with its joys, surprises and warmth? If the latter, then perhaps we can find a common language.
Have you ever tried real Georgian dishes cooked at home?
If not, I'm ready to surprise you!
I'm a person with a soul open to communication, and I believe that everything in our life is not accidental. So, if you're ready to talk, I'll be happy to continue.